Day 27 In Lampang (Sea-Teacher SEAMEO Program)

On Thursday, 15th February 2018 we had a final meeting with the President of Lampang Rajabhat University. We went there with our teachers of Ban Pongsanook School. They are The director and asisstant director of Ban Pongsanook School, Teacher Doi, Teacher lex and Teacher Nan . The meeting was held in the meeting room 10th floor of LPRU at 10 a.m. The meeting was attended by the presidents of LPRU he is Mr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Somkiat Saithanoo ,staff of LPRU, the lectures of LPRU, the teachers of Anuban Lampang School and Bon Ponshanook School, and the students teacher from Indonesia and Phillipines.
There we presented our report during did teaching experience in Ban Pongsanook School and Anuban Lampang School then continued with speech from the lecturers, and from both of schools. In the end of this meeting, we have a lunch and take a picture together also giving and get souvenirs and certificate from LPRU. 
After that, we go back to school and sharing with the director and assistant director of Ban Pongsanook School also teachers who be our mentors about the experience during teching practice in Ban Pongsanook School. Ban Pongsanook gave me and jean souvenirs for us, then i and jean also gave some souvenirs for the director and assistant director of Ban Pongsanook School also some teachers.


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Aya Sophia

Menara Azadi, Teheran, Iran