Day 11 In Lampang (Sea-Teacher SEAMEO Program)
Tuesday 30 January 2018 is my second day to teach
in the class in Sea Teacher Program. I have two classes in Tuesday, 1 hour in
grade 3 and 1 hour in grade 4. At 08.30-09.30 i have a schedule in grade 3, the
topic for grade 3 is Components of air
and the indicator is Search for data and discuss about the components of air
and the importance of air. Students do activity 7.2 impurities in the air on
their books continue their laboratory activity in the previous meeting. In the previous
meeting, the science teacher for grade 3, Teacher Alex ask them to do laboratory activity. Teacher Alex provided some fruits and
sliced the fruits into some parts then he ask the student to observe the condition
of the fruits include the color, the smell, the texture, the taste of the
fruits and students write the result on their book. In this meeting i also ask the
student to observe the condition of the fruits include the color, the smell, the
texture, the taste after 1 week and compare the
result before and after 1 week, are their condition same or not? In
that activity, the students got a conclusion that there are some microorganism
in the fruits when the fruits contact with air for 1 week. At 12.30-13.30 i
have a schedule in grade 4, the topic for grade 4 is Medium and Light Movement Against A Medium
and the indicator is Experiment and explain the refraction of light passing
through two kinds of transparent mediums. The students do activity 4.6 Light
movement through Different transparent Mediums on their books. The aim of this
activity is to make the students understand the concept of refraction of light
passing through two kinds of transparent mediums are air and glass of water.
The materials that needed to this activity is flashlight, a ruler, a bottle of
water and corn powder .Mr alex as my mentor help me to prepare the materials.
In this activity, the student divided into 4 groups then they work in a group
and they did the activity well and be active in their group.
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